Who are you?

What do you value? What legacy do you want to create that will have a meaningful impact, bringing more hope, light, love, and inspiration to the world? To do good that the light of Christ shines through you that brings unity, peace, joy, & happiness.

If you stand for nothing you fall for everything. I was once a people pleaser & seeking external validation because I lacked the confidence & belief in myself. Imposter syndrome of why would anyone care or what I was doing was useless. I was met with resistance & blocks on the day I quietly launched my Digital Wealth with Ava website & Her Legacy blog. It’s two projects in one. I stopped blogging back in 2018. My past traumas & fear were coming at me full force. To bare out my heart again & risks it took to be rejected, fail again, & the pain it inflicted.

The past two weeks I barely worked on the website & it didn’t take that much time for me to create it. It took me longer to deal with my issues, emotions, & things that God needed me to heal before releasing my projects to the world. He knew I wasn’t ready yet. God answered questions I was struggling with & I can’t wait to share with you all that I’ve learned to help you on your journey to become your best self.

Last year, I had this desire that this year was going to be the year that I live my best life & I rediscover who I was. Fast forward to July that I was mad at myself. What happened to the dreams & goals I planned for this year? I was not getting the results I wanted & where I wanted to be in life & business. I had to get real with myself on what I needed to do to work on myself. It’s crazy how life can change by 1 decision. To try again to pivot in a new direction.

It didn’t matter how many times I fell in the past because I realize God’s hands in my journey. He was guiding me to the path of my heart’s desire. All those experiences where needed to become the woman God meant for me to become. To all the ideas that were collecting in the dust for years is now coming into fruition.

I didn’t know that I needed my website & blog more than you did. It healed wounds of my past & it gave me the courage & confidence to tear down the walls that I built around me to try again. To build the life of my dreams & inspire women to become their best self. From the lost, unworthy, insecure me to the empowered, confident, & powerful woman I am today. She’s no longer playing small, dimming her light, who knows her value & worth. She’s standing in her truth, using her voice for good, & finding her path in the world.

I know how it feels like to be lost, confused, & unsure of who I was & what I stand for. How to be authentically me & to be my true self was something I wanted but I didn’t know where to start.

I created a mini guide that you can use that has helped me to figure out what my core values, passions, skills, & what I could get paid for. To discover who you are & what you stand for to just be yourself. You feel more empowered, confident, & clarity in the path you want to take in life & business.

It will help you show up differently in life and business, with clarity on who you truly are. I evolved into my best self as did my personal brand. It was no longer seeking external validation, trying to prove myself, self promote, accolades but how can I help impact you, empowers you, & brings us together in unity. To feel seen, heard, & valued.

Click Here to get my free “Step into Your Power: Become your True Self.

I’m excited for your journey to discover who you are. 🤍

Ava Grace

INFJ, Enneagram 4, Capricorn, Caiden’s Mama


Lost for a season