Inconsistent to Consistent

How many times have you fell off your skincare, haircare, workout, morning routine, & all the good habits you are trying to create? Life happens that you fell off & beat yourself up for not sticking to your habits, dreams, or goals? You go back to old ways, unhappy, depressed, stuck, & struggling. Girl, trust me! I know this all too well lol.

It’s 4pm & I was suppose to take my coffee & collagen between 11am - 1 pm. You do not want to take more than you should in 24 hours to get back on your regime lol trust me I tried & it didn’t end up well. I skipped days because I thought it’s too late. I’ll do it tomorrow. I didn’t let that stop me today. Tonight I’ll put it in my planner to take coffee + collagen at 2pm tomorrow.

My point is don’t wait to tomorrow. Do it now because tomorrow will never come. If you fell off. It’s okay give yourself grace but GET BACK UP AGAIN! It doesn’t matter if you fell off yesterday or how many times you failed. That’s old news because the new you she gonna get everything she wanted! She’s going to go after her dreams & goals! The only way you fail is if you give up on yourself!

To start off small & breakdown your goals. I would cry internally & resisted if my workout was going to be 20 to 40 mins. We all know workout is good for you but we still don’t do it. I didn’t realize how I lost 88 pounds in 4 years till I had a conversation with Caiden’s dad. I lost the weight by doing the small & simple things. I would walk around my place with my headphones on or take a walk with Caiden outside. I worked out by doing something I was passionate in & wanted to do. I took an online course to learn how to do Cook Island ura dancing from my mentor.

You find what works for you because you won’t find me at a gym & I tried it before but it’s not my thing. Be open to try new things like yoga & pilates which you can find on YouTube. My killer 5 minute tone arm workout I added to my workout routine 3x a week Mon, Wed, Friday I started this year after trying different arm workout throughout the years. She’s my favorite but don’t let the 5 minutes fool you! From my fake smiling, affirmation, swearing, pushing through, dropping my arms, & celebrate that I did it (try it & you will know exactly what I mean!)

I schedule my supplements in the morning, 3 non-negotiable goals for the day, my morning routine, shower, skincare, haircare, organize my room, plan & prepare for tomorrow. To keep myself organized & intentional. Do I always get everything done? NO! It’s a working progress of trial & error to find a schedule that works for your busy life.

I went through seasons where I took breaks & gave up over the years. It’s like working out your results will vary. You don’t know when your body will tone or lose weight but the hard work will pay off eventually. I felt that last week with my collagen, spirulina, & working out. I could feel a difference in my body tightening even if the scale says otherwise.

Just because you can’t see the tangible results doesn’t mean the things you do daily is not working. It can be your skincare, haircare, nutrition, workout, drinking water, gratitude, affirmations, & working on your business. It will feel like an overnight success but it’s because you been doing the work daily even if you aren’t consistent to become more consistent till it become second nature to you. A muscle memory, your new behavior, & your new lifestyle that’s sustainable.

Girl, get back up again. Give yourself grace, detach from the results, & keeping going babes! 🤍

Ava Grace

INFJ, Enneagram 4, Capricorn, Caiden’s Mama